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Stop letting aging get you down and feel depleted START feeling regenerated. We use natural modalities like nutrition, activity, and cell regeneration to achieve optimal longevity. No potions or lotions, no pills for the ills. Just natural tools for your Brain, Activity, Gut, Sleep, and Spirit.
Vigeo Brain Health
Start today your journey to achieve optimal brain health.
Improve your brain health by adopting these key strategies.
Do you feel forgetful? You might need to improve your brain health.
You might need to improve your brain health if you: experience brain fog, your recall is becoming slower? Have a conversation with a friend and can’t remember even the simplest word? Not only do we get embarrassed when this happens, but we start becoming concerned and maybe a little fearful as well.
Brain Health should not be ignored.
Cognitive decline is something that should NOT go unchecked. It may be your body’s way of letting you know that something in your body is out of balance.
You can improve your brain health through several modalities. As you embark on your brain health journey, I will provide you with the tools you need. Each week I will share Health and Wellness strategies to put in your B.A.G.S.S. an acronym I use for Brain, Activity, Gut, Sleep, and Spirit.
What happens when there is chaos in the brain?
Picture a waterpark where everyone is floating in a wandering river. All the innertubes are bouncing off each other, bumping the side walls, spinning and going backwards. It feels chaotic. This is similar to what happens to the cells in your brain. With proper care you can take that chaos and bring it back to homeostasis, balance and order.
The first step towards achieving this balance will be through what you put at the end of your fork. Your health and wellness depend heavily on what you feed your body.
To improve your brain health, you need nutrition
Your brain consumes 20% of your total calorie intake. With the proper nutrition, activity, and our non-transdermal wearable light technology you can experience a healthier brain. Let’s get all your cells activated, consistently going in the right direction, firing at the right time and experiencing a steady balance.
Like your body, your brain health will decline over time with continued stress and lack of proper nutrition. Without proper nutrition and activity, inflammation will build up in the brain. When gone too long unchecked, the inflammation may lead to chronic disease, sleeplessness, irritability, cognitive decline and overall, not feeling well.
To improve your brain health, choose wisely
With a proven health and wellness strategy, you can take one step at a time, one day at a time to improve your brain health. This is accomplished by fine tuning your metabolic machine so that you can thrive, not simply survive.
When embarking on your health and wellness journey it is important to spend your time wisely. That includes who you spend your time with. Surround yourself with people who will build you up and encourage you to make healthy choices. Positive choices and positive people are necessary for a happy healthy brain.
“Don’t put off today what can bring you thriving longevity tomorrow”, Kelly Johnson
PSALM 1:1,2 Blessed is that man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. BUT his delight is in the law of the Lord.
As your health and wellness coach I am here to help you achieve a thriving brain. If you have experienced brain fog, confusion, or forgetfulness, schedule a call with me today. Why put off today what can give you thriving health tomorrow. hyperlink calender)